The anonymity of the internet and new niche business

The anonymous of the Internet has long become a myth, and if, in speaking of the older generation, their anonymous surfing is more or less anonymous browsing is, the "Pepsi Generation" has deprived himself of anonymity unconsciously in childhood. And if anonymity is required in the network? Typically, the average user is not given the matter until the thunder did not break out over his head.

In online forums, discussions blogs I often see the outrage of some users so that people do not hang your pictures and Text may be hiding a pretty girl and a student in a dirty sweatshirt full of holes. In my opinion, this perturbation is chistoplyuystvom and clean water bragging: that's what I type hero. A person has the right to anonymity online, as well as have the right to privacy, and no one has the right to require the person to lecturing on public display that is eating, sleeping with whom, how many earns and how he lives. Heroism of individuals in forums and blogs under his real pictures, in fact does not heroism. He naively thinks that the identification of individuals under their own photo to change something, and he seems to be "responsible for all their words" ... nonsense! During his speech, if needed, and so forced to respond, and identify any user there is no difficulty.

World Wide Web is a web only for inexperienced users or for those who burn their time Vkontakte and anonymous, but in fact saying that the "small world", could not be more relevant for the network. Most of them deliberately throw personal information in social networks from a sense of bragging to friends, either through inexperience, naively thinking that the "big brother" is not watching him. Really should not, but only until such time as you are he did not need. The very same Internet has long been a gathering place and find information about every person on earth, and the CIS countries is gradually approaching the world level. Any human action, the company remains there forever, and cause a growing interest in the anonymous proxy. I'll tell you a little story from his experience, once again confirming the theory of the surveillance and collecting information about each of us.

Six years ago, fate brought me to one of the exchanges of freelancing with rabotodatelnitsey, which sought remote workers to collect and process information. Absolutely white paper, with the introduction of the company's staff, taxes and stuff. The essence of the work amounted to install on your computer special applications created by developers of the company, searching and processing information issued by the application task. For each completed task worker received five bucks. By and large, not very straining on the day you could do about four or five jobs. Each worker expelled instructions on how to look for this or that Old, and the search must be carried out in Yandex, Google and Rama. Found information, as appropriate, shall be prepared and sent to a scan in installed on the client computer. As a rule, to gather information about the construction companies. Who's where and what to build, much as they stole, the names of managers, addresses, companies, and so on. All this is backed up by references. Of course, I did not legalize his person, indicating the fictitious name, anonymous email and passport details of the field did not begin to fill. We have not worked for a very long time, and has earned me a bit, but as a result of cooperation I have gained most valuable - experience! Then we parted, and what was my surprise when I received by e-mail greeting "Happy New Year" on the letterhead, which were formal greetings and good wishes to me and my family.

It was long ago, there was no modern technology, have not been distributed social networks, which are now the users themselves dumped all their dirty and clean linen, naively believing that their lives as before remains anonymous. I occasionally help in finding people on one portal. Help for free, because people often try to find their lost relatives in the harsh post-war years, friends who lives scattered in different cities, and in all that time there were practically no cases where people no one could find ...

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