
Have you ever thought about what trail log is for you after each anonymous surfing the Internet? And no matter what you do - cracked ICQ, steal passwords, or simply corresponded with his hack-reversible. Logs are maintained in any case. And the logs - it's evidence. The evidence against hackers . In this article I will discuss a way to hide the true IP address (what is that you can read in my article «IP-address. Inside and outside"), through the use of anonymous Proxy / Socks-servers . What is it and what they do and I'll tell you.

What is Socks / anonymous Proxy servers?

Initially, the proxy / socks servers are transit servers for different sites and have served one function - the caching of information. Why cache information? Consider the example of your ISP. Almost every ISP has a proxy / socks server through which thousands of users climbs into the network. For example, half of them each session at least once so drawn to So, for each call to send a request to wait for an answer, and then return as you? Provider enters smarter. Once downloading some kind of page it for some time it saves. And if you rack up in the address bar of your browser's address some of the statistical (unchangeable) page, which is already in the cache proxy server, it simply sends it to you, without creating unnecessary strain.

Or socks proxy servers, which others have called "socks" are available for use in the network mass. With them, you can successfully hide their true address. For example, we have the address and port of the proxy server. And we need to get to the site anonymous For what? Well, of course heknut it, for what else? What would an evil admin site does not know who pohekal his favorite portal, we first connects to the proxy server, and then to go to the website of the Academy . Heck it is valid, no matter how. All the same, you still do not know how! And is washed away ...

After a while, waking up the admin site. He lights a cigarette, anonymous browsing can of beer, goes to the monitor, and sees in the browser tab in your favorite site inscription " Hacked by Kostik. I'm Hacker! ". Vypadyvaet cigarette from his hand, his eyes are rounded, and his hands start to a barely perceptible shake. Later ... Reassured, he looks logs connect to the server. There, including those stated what actions by the user. And its IP. But the anonymous IP-address is not yours! A proxy server. And he, as they say not to blame. And yet ... wiser. This is at best ..

It happens, or should I say most often it happens that the proxy server also stores the log files, data, anyone with any address and when connected to it. Learn about the sock keeps logs or stores, we can not. Among hackers, before walking horror story that most of the free proxy servers (from those that can be found in Google for search "free proxy") is the machinations of "K". Like, this is a special spaced snare, in which the lure hackers. But this is unlikely. Although ... As someone once, and under some circumstances, said: " It is ridiculous to think that agents of the spare space on the hard drive for logging your actions. Who knows who tomorrow becomes president ...».

But most of all Public socks it's only just mistakenly open ports on certain sites. More precisely it is open to a range of users, but inadvertently sysadmin, became public.

Where to take a proxy?

Arm socks can be virtually any portal dedicated to hacking. But these socks are half dead, poor quality, and in general - of unknown origin. True, anonymous proxy used to collect yourself or buy. Stand they are not expensive, and generally live a certain period of time for which you have agreed with the seller.

How to get a proxy on their own ... I have to say - it is very difficult. You need the skills of hacking servers and remote machines. Let's say you somehow got a privileged access to a computer with internet access. Send trojan applied cohesion, social engineering skills. It does not matter! Do you have access ... Connect to the computer through any client, such as Putty. For a good starting point would be to examine the console. Both of windows and niksovuyu (Technique in Linux console: Then, logged with a few commands set the socks server on the remote machine.

Sox server can be arbitrary. Open to some sort of demon server port, and set it to accept connections only from our address. Yes, in addition still prohibit logging of our actions. Demon called a program that hangs in the system, and carries the service, does not interact with the user. She does not listen to input from the keyboard, it has no windows, etc. Such a simple, unobtrusive process. By bringing your own socks server, we can be sure that it is one hundred percent anonymous, and no trace of using it, we will not leave. If, in addition, for those computers, where we collected the works are not very skilled in the field of IT people, I give a guarantee - our socks will live long. While professional administrators are not only quickly find it in the system, but you will be able to calculate without a problem. Fortunately, the experienced administrators are extremely small.

Thus it is possible to build hundreds of socks servers, which will serve only to you alone. And then ... Using a chain of them all, you can maximize protect yourself from all the intelligence and evil admins. On a chain of proxy / socks server, we are now and we'll talk.

The chain of socks.

Suppose we have two socks server. Most logical to use both, in order not to burn during a burglary. To build a chain of multiple proxies, you can use the program SocksChain. It works this way.

You>>> Socks-1: "Hey, you upload me a quick start page»
Socks-1>>> Socks-2: "Request home page« »»
Socks-2>>> «Come on, show me your page.

And went back process. And Yandex thinks that this is the second sox need a page. The second server thinks that it was necessary only to the first, and only Socks-1 knows that she has been requested by you. Even if he keeps logs, and remember what you asked for such a resource at such a time, to get to you will not be so easy. Especially if Socks-1 is located in Ekaterinburg, Socks-2 in New York and Socks-3 somewhere in Mexico.

Sox servers can also be used for other purposes. For example, to obtain any information. In short, I have mentioned this in his article " The attack on the ICQ "(, in" social engineering ". Although this issue can be taken in a separate article ... Very much he is great.

This is all explained in the course outline, and beztalantlivymi literary variations, but I honestly tried rasskryt the issue. On this I have all. Guard! Watch for their safety, and good luck ... ))
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