Freitag, 28. Januar 2011


When it comes to network security, attention should be paid to all that concerns the anonymity of the Internet. In the minds of the average Internet user There is the following opinion: "Why me puzzling question of anonymous? I'm not committing any illegal acts, let this worry hackers ... "However, let us reflect how comfortable you would feel if anyone in the street knew where you live. Some of them probably started to follow you and no doubt would have tried to penetrate into your home. I think that this situation is certainly no one should like. So why the problem of anonymity on the Internet give so little value? The answer is simple - it's user ignorance and illiteracy, as with any of her need to fight.

Knowing the IP address that you can pretty much, including your real location. So how do you protect yourself?

First we will need to "hide", so we'll use a anonymous proxy server, which is no one to mediate between the user and server on the Internet.

Anonymity on the Internet

The main "traitor" - is your IP address, get rid of him is impossible, since it is necessary for routing data, but the anonymous proxy sends requests and receives information as from himself. It would seem that here it is a panacea, but it is not so simple in consequence of the fact that the vast majority of proxy servers to send their queries in a special field (x-forwarded-for) IP-address end-user (there are so-called anonymous life, but search for them - this is a very big problem).

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