Freitag, 4. Februar 2011

Anonymity: safe Internet surfing

The issue of network security is largely associated with the anonymity of Internet surfing. Many ordinary users, on the one hand, underestimate the degree of transparency of its activity in the network (non-personal communication, for example, creates the illusion of anonymity), on the other - allowing for disclosure of all its web-routes believe that if they do not do anything illegal, then and interested in their networked lives no one will.
However, the anonymous browsing is really imaginary: the modern web technologies are functioning in a way that for people traveling on the network, you can get a lot of information which he willingly probably would not share with outsiders. Obtained as the user data can be used not only hackers, but the financial organizations, such as for marketing purposes, as well as owners of various resources to deny access. (For example, some foreign sites do not take users from Russia.) Thus, sooner or later before each user question, how to hide the details of his stay in the Internet. For these purposes, using proxy servers (on-line services, or special applications). Below, we consider it all in order.
Threats to anonymous in the net.
The main threat to anonymous surfing - it's ip-address, which you can not get rid of, because it is required for routing data. Knowing the ip-address, you can locate your computer, ISP, operating system and browser, screen resolution, number of colors. Another threat - a technology cookies. Cookie - is a character string of up to 4 kb, which web-server stores on your computer, for example, to save the last of the authorization procedure for re-visiting the resource. Extract information from the cookies should theoretically only the server that it was written, but this restriction is easily and cost before an intruder opens the possibility to trace the route of the web user's view visited websites, to understand the range of hobbies. All this information can be used for commercial purposes, anonymous proxy server.
Thus, providers of Internet and web services collect data about visited addresses, user names, passwords, search queries. In some countries, after the removal of such information, data about the user, it can be sold. Moreover, preliminary "cleansing" of the information is not always careful and often users can still be identified. But even if the information is not sold, it can still be used for marketing purposes.

Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2011

Anonymity - how to hide information about your work online

Internet - a vast space, and each of us as he takes out something and brings to it. And if you mainly use it for communication facebook, watching movies, listening to music, reading news and so on, some may use it at all for other purposes - fraudulent collection of personal data in order to further misuse, hacking internet purses - the list continue indefinitely.

Yes, one of the basic principles of the Internet since its appearance was anonymous. However, the popularization of social networking profiles of Google and Yandex and many services put your privacy on the Internet in jeopardy.

Test the anonymous surfing

In order not to flaunt around the world with your personal data is not enough to rely on the built-in operating system Windows (as most used) behind a firewall. For good protection needs highly customizable software firewall. For example, I use Outpost Firewall you can take advantage of high-quality free software from the package brendmaueromi Comodo Internet Security 4.0 and ZoneAlarm free firewall company anonymous proxy

To test the openness of your computer to the Internet if you can download the program for anonymous browsing has been tested open ports and other vulnerable PCs. Moreover, many problem areas of your protection, you can see the advantage of additional services of this portal.

Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2011

The anonymity of the internet and new niche business

The anonymous of the Internet has long become a myth, and if, in speaking of the older generation, their anonymous surfing is more or less anonymous browsing is, the "Pepsi Generation" has deprived himself of anonymity unconsciously in childhood. And if anonymity is required in the network? Typically, the average user is not given the matter until the thunder did not break out over his head.

In online forums, discussions blogs I often see the outrage of some users so that people do not hang your pictures and Text may be hiding a pretty girl and a student in a dirty sweatshirt full of holes. In my opinion, this perturbation is chistoplyuystvom and clean water bragging: that's what I type hero. A person has the right to anonymity online, as well as have the right to privacy, and no one has the right to require the person to lecturing on public display that is eating, sleeping with whom, how many earns and how he lives. Heroism of individuals in forums and blogs under his real pictures, in fact does not heroism. He naively thinks that the identification of individuals under their own photo to change something, and he seems to be "responsible for all their words" ... nonsense! During his speech, if needed, and so forced to respond, and identify any user there is no difficulty.

World Wide Web is a web only for inexperienced users or for those who burn their time Vkontakte and anonymous, but in fact saying that the "small world", could not be more relevant for the network. Most of them deliberately throw personal information in social networks from a sense of bragging to friends, either through inexperience, naively thinking that the "big brother" is not watching him. Really should not, but only until such time as you are he did not need. The very same Internet has long been a gathering place and find information about every person on earth, and the CIS countries is gradually approaching the world level. Any human action, the company remains there forever, and cause a growing interest in the anonymous proxy. I'll tell you a little story from his experience, once again confirming the theory of the surveillance and collecting information about each of us.

Six years ago, fate brought me to one of the exchanges of freelancing with rabotodatelnitsey, which sought remote workers to collect and process information. Absolutely white paper, with the introduction of the company's staff, taxes and stuff. The essence of the work amounted to install on your computer special applications created by developers of the company, searching and processing information issued by the application task. For each completed task worker received five bucks. By and large, not very straining on the day you could do about four or five jobs. Each worker expelled instructions on how to look for this or that Old, and the search must be carried out in Yandex, Google and Rama. Found information, as appropriate, shall be prepared and sent to a scan in installed on the client computer. As a rule, to gather information about the construction companies. Who's where and what to build, much as they stole, the names of managers, addresses, companies, and so on. All this is backed up by references. Of course, I did not legalize his person, indicating the fictitious name, anonymous email and passport details of the field did not begin to fill. We have not worked for a very long time, and has earned me a bit, but as a result of cooperation I have gained most valuable - experience! Then we parted, and what was my surprise when I received by e-mail greeting "Happy New Year" on the letterhead, which were formal greetings and good wishes to me and my family.

It was long ago, there was no modern technology, have not been distributed social networks, which are now the users themselves dumped all their dirty and clean linen, naively believing that their lives as before remains anonymous. I occasionally help in finding people on one portal. Help for free, because people often try to find their lost relatives in the harsh post-war years, friends who lives scattered in different cities, and in all that time there were practically no cases where people no one could find ...

Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011


Have you ever thought about what trail log is for you after each anonymous surfing the Internet? And no matter what you do - cracked ICQ, steal passwords, or simply corresponded with his hack-reversible. Logs are maintained in any case. And the logs - it's evidence. The evidence against hackers . In this article I will discuss a way to hide the true IP address (what is that you can read in my article «IP-address. Inside and outside"), through the use of anonymous Proxy / Socks-servers . What is it and what they do and I'll tell you.

What is Socks / anonymous Proxy servers?

Initially, the proxy / socks servers are transit servers for different sites and have served one function - the caching of information. Why cache information? Consider the example of your ISP. Almost every ISP has a proxy / socks server through which thousands of users climbs into the network. For example, half of them each session at least once so drawn to So, for each call to send a request to wait for an answer, and then return as you? Provider enters smarter. Once downloading some kind of page it for some time it saves. And if you rack up in the address bar of your browser's address some of the statistical (unchangeable) page, which is already in the cache proxy server, it simply sends it to you, without creating unnecessary strain.

Or socks proxy servers, which others have called "socks" are available for use in the network mass. With them, you can successfully hide their true address. For example, we have the address and port of the proxy server. And we need to get to the site anonymous For what? Well, of course heknut it, for what else? What would an evil admin site does not know who pohekal his favorite portal, we first connects to the proxy server, and then to go to the website of the Academy . Heck it is valid, no matter how. All the same, you still do not know how! And is washed away ...

After a while, waking up the admin site. He lights a cigarette, anonymous browsing can of beer, goes to the monitor, and sees in the browser tab in your favorite site inscription " Hacked by Kostik. I'm Hacker! ". Vypadyvaet cigarette from his hand, his eyes are rounded, and his hands start to a barely perceptible shake. Later ... Reassured, he looks logs connect to the server. There, including those stated what actions by the user. And its IP. But the anonymous IP-address is not yours! A proxy server. And he, as they say not to blame. And yet ... wiser. This is at best ..

It happens, or should I say most often it happens that the proxy server also stores the log files, data, anyone with any address and when connected to it. Learn about the sock keeps logs or stores, we can not. Among hackers, before walking horror story that most of the free proxy servers (from those that can be found in Google for search "free proxy") is the machinations of "K". Like, this is a special spaced snare, in which the lure hackers. But this is unlikely. Although ... As someone once, and under some circumstances, said: " It is ridiculous to think that agents of the spare space on the hard drive for logging your actions. Who knows who tomorrow becomes president ...».

But most of all Public socks it's only just mistakenly open ports on certain sites. More precisely it is open to a range of users, but inadvertently sysadmin, became public.

Where to take a proxy?

Arm socks can be virtually any portal dedicated to hacking. But these socks are half dead, poor quality, and in general - of unknown origin. True, anonymous proxy used to collect yourself or buy. Stand they are not expensive, and generally live a certain period of time for which you have agreed with the seller.

How to get a proxy on their own ... I have to say - it is very difficult. You need the skills of hacking servers and remote machines. Let's say you somehow got a privileged access to a computer with internet access. Send trojan applied cohesion, social engineering skills. It does not matter! Do you have access ... Connect to the computer through any client, such as Putty. For a good starting point would be to examine the console. Both of windows and niksovuyu (Technique in Linux console: Then, logged with a few commands set the socks server on the remote machine.

Sox server can be arbitrary. Open to some sort of demon server port, and set it to accept connections only from our address. Yes, in addition still prohibit logging of our actions. Demon called a program that hangs in the system, and carries the service, does not interact with the user. She does not listen to input from the keyboard, it has no windows, etc. Such a simple, unobtrusive process. By bringing your own socks server, we can be sure that it is one hundred percent anonymous, and no trace of using it, we will not leave. If, in addition, for those computers, where we collected the works are not very skilled in the field of IT people, I give a guarantee - our socks will live long. While professional administrators are not only quickly find it in the system, but you will be able to calculate without a problem. Fortunately, the experienced administrators are extremely small.

Thus it is possible to build hundreds of socks servers, which will serve only to you alone. And then ... Using a chain of them all, you can maximize protect yourself from all the intelligence and evil admins. On a chain of proxy / socks server, we are now and we'll talk.

The chain of socks.

Suppose we have two socks server. Most logical to use both, in order not to burn during a burglary. To build a chain of multiple proxies, you can use the program SocksChain. It works this way.

You>>> Socks-1: "Hey, you upload me a quick start page»
Socks-1>>> Socks-2: "Request home page« »»
Socks-2>>> «Come on, show me your page.

And went back process. And Yandex thinks that this is the second sox need a page. The second server thinks that it was necessary only to the first, and only Socks-1 knows that she has been requested by you. Even if he keeps logs, and remember what you asked for such a resource at such a time, to get to you will not be so easy. Especially if Socks-1 is located in Ekaterinburg, Socks-2 in New York and Socks-3 somewhere in Mexico.

Sox servers can also be used for other purposes. For example, to obtain any information. In short, I have mentioned this in his article " The attack on the ICQ "(, in" social engineering ". Although this issue can be taken in a separate article ... Very much he is great.

This is all explained in the course outline, and beztalantlivymi literary variations, but I honestly tried rasskryt the issue. On this I have all. Guard! Watch for their safety, and good luck ... ))
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Montag, 31. Januar 2011

IP (Internet protocol) and anonymity in the network

Major protocols in the Internet protocol is TCP / IP. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) implements the network communication mode with the establishment of the logical (virtual) connections. Data on this protocol are transmitted by separate units - packages.

Every computer connected to the network (whether local, or Internet) Protocol TCP / IP, has its own unique identifier - IP address. Anonymous ip - a number that follows the format xxx.yyy.ttt.zzz, where xxx, yyy, ttt, zzz - any integer from 0 to 256, something like 129 .. 43.45.244. Each provider has a specific range of IP, for example, - If you enjoy the Internet via dial-up connection (modem connected to a telephone line), 99% chance that you allocate a dynamic IP address - ie next time you connect it to another, etc. If you're in the Internet-club or other organization where there is a LAN, then you will be allocated a permanent IP address.

What you can learn the anonymous ip address?

The answer is not unambiguous, since it depends on who needs it. If a normal user - only the city and the provider, and if do something very bad for you and will take law enforcement agencies - fully know your home address and everything, what did you do on the network, because your ISP has logs -anonymous text text files that store information about each user and his actions. Get information about who owns the IP address can be on the front page of this site.

Hide your IP address, rather you will be allocated a fake IP, you can use socks-servers, anonymous proxy servers or anomayzers. You just change the settings of your browser's proxy server, and continues to travel the Internet. A list of anonymous proxy servers you can get by typing this phrase into any search engine .. Another way of hiding IP address - using anomayzera, you simply type in the specified field is your URL and click go! Finally, the most modern way - with the help of socks servers. To do this you need socksificate program. This can be done using Sockcap. When you find it, you'll get a little disappointed - it shareware, I mean paid ... but the cure for this network is:)). To socksificate program (can be any - browser, email client, etc.), for example, a browser window sockcap to specify the location (not a label, namely the program!). Then run it from the window sockcap double click. Proxy in this case is to be disabled, and exhibited all options sockscap socks server. I think he'll understand how this is done, and that brains quite atrophy --))). Look for lists of sock-servers in the search engines. There is also its pitfalls - not so easy to find work for free socks server, but as they say, under a still stone gathers no moss --)))).

Anonymity has its drawbacks - firstly, greatly reduced rate, and secondly, some sites simply will not be displayed. For example, most are more or less decent chat just will not let you through an anonymous proxy, through socks - is another matter! And remember even one thing - there are only two ways to identify the remote computer - it's cookies and IP, both these methods can be circumvented. How do I change the IP, we already know, but in order to circumvent the cookies, they just need to erase. If you do not know what to delete, go to "Internet Options" and on the General tab, click the "delete cookies». This way you can rig the vote on many sites in its favor.

Freitag, 28. Januar 2011


When it comes to network security, attention should be paid to all that concerns the anonymity of the Internet. In the minds of the average Internet user There is the following opinion: "Why me puzzling question of anonymous? I'm not committing any illegal acts, let this worry hackers ... "However, let us reflect how comfortable you would feel if anyone in the street knew where you live. Some of them probably started to follow you and no doubt would have tried to penetrate into your home. I think that this situation is certainly no one should like. So why the problem of anonymity on the Internet give so little value? The answer is simple - it's user ignorance and illiteracy, as with any of her need to fight.

Knowing the IP address that you can pretty much, including your real location. So how do you protect yourself?

First we will need to "hide", so we'll use a anonymous proxy server, which is no one to mediate between the user and server on the Internet.

Anonymity on the Internet

The main "traitor" - is your IP address, get rid of him is impossible, since it is necessary for routing data, but the anonymous proxy sends requests and receives information as from himself. It would seem that here it is a panacea, but it is not so simple in consequence of the fact that the vast majority of proxy servers to send their queries in a special field (x-forwarded-for) IP-address end-user (there are so-called anonymous life, but search for them - this is a very big problem).

Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2011

Anonymous Surfing the Internet

PC Mesh Company has released a new version of its utility PC Mesh Anonymous Web Surfing, which allows you to hide your IP-address when you visit different web pages.
Package PC Mesh Anonymous Web Surfing 5.3 hides the true IP-address of the user, and with this address and geographical location and name of the provider, which provides Internet access to the user.
To ensure user's anonymity on the Internet, the packet PC Mesh Anonymous Web Surfing redirects all requests and the contents of the requested Web pages on Free anonymous proxy servers. As a result, viewed by the user server defines no real IP-address and the address of the proxy server.
User-friendly interface paketa PC Mesh Anonymous Web Surfing allows you to configure access to proxy servers with a single click using mode "autopilot". In this mode, the program will automatically selects the optimal settings using proxy servers and switch between them. The user can specify a period of change proxy servers - for example, kazhdye 5 minutes. Validator proxy servers allow you to check proxy to 200 per minute, to determine which helper server to switch the next time. Also supports import and export of ready-made lists of proxy servers.

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